Donations to MMoME from our wishlist and registry can be just as important and helpful as a monetary contribution! These items help to make our response, triage and rehabilitation, community education and research possible and are shipped directly to our door. We currently have an Amazon wishlist and Wal Mart registry. Other important items that aren’t available in those locations are listed below.
If you find listed items that you already have or would like to purchase somewhere else to donate, please send to:
Marine Mammals of Maine
P.O. Box 751
Bath, ME 04530
or contact us at to arrange for a pick up. Don’t forget your generous contributions to help MMoME do this important work are tax-deductible! Gift acknowledgements for tax purposes can be sent upon request to Thank you in advance!
Large items needed
- Walk-in freezer
- Computers and iPads
- Chest freezer (19 cubic feet range)
- GoPro and DSLR camera and accessories
- Hard plastic kiddie pools and livestock tubs (new)
Medical supplies needed
- IDEXX chemistry clips to run blood analyses
- Needles (18 gauge x 1.5″, 20 gauge x 1″)
- Blood collection tubes (purple and red top)
- Sterile syringes (1 mL, 3 mL, 5 mL, 12 mL, 60 mL, 100 mL)
- IV pole/stand
- 50% dextrose solution
- Stainless steel table to admit and perform medical treatments on patients
- Towels (new or gently-used)