In case you missed the news, MMoME has received calls about two beaked whales on the Maine Coast in the last month, only the 3rd and 4th documented in MMoME’s response region in the last 20 years! Usually found in deep waters offshore and rarely sighted, very little is known about the 22 species of beaked whales. With help from specialists around the world, the two species were determined to be Blainsville and Sowerby’s beaked whales. Read more about the cases and watch local news coverage here.
Marine Mammals of Maine Founder Honored at Stranding Network Banquet
Doughty awarded the David St. Aubin Award of Excellence for response to seal Unusual Mortality Event. Click through to read article.
NOAA Fisheries Updates on Maine Seal Mortalities
Thursday, August 16, 2018 There has been a high number of harbor seals stranding in southern Maine starting in July with increasing numbers stranding over…Continue Reading
More Than 3 Dozen Dead Seals Found On Southern Maine Beaches In Past Few Days
Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Recognizes MMoME ED with Visionary Award
Gulf of Maine Council Visionary Awards are presented to individuals or organizations within each of the five Gulf of Maine jurisdictions of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova…Continue Reading
MMoME’s First Seal Release
Contact Lynda Doughty Telephone 207-844-0654 Date: October 4, 2017 Email Website MARINE MAMMALS OF MAINE Rehabilitates and RELEASES its first TWO HARBOR Seals ~OCTOBER 8th, 2017~ Harpswell,…Continue Reading
A MMoME Intern’s Experience With a High-Profile Stranding Case on Old Orchard Beach, June 2016
Meet Bri, one of 3 amazing MMoME interns this summer. Below is her experience working with MMoME during its first season of seal triage, and a high-profile stranding case. I…Continue Reading
Help Us Help the Seals
If you see these young marine mammals ashore this summer, leave them aloneBy Donna Buttarazzi Posted Jul. 13, 2016 at 2:50 PM Updated Jul 13, 2016 at 2:53 PM…Continue Reading
Marine Hospital Rehabing 12 Maine Seal Pups
Check out the below news story about where many of MMoME’s recently rescued harbor seal pups have gone and how they are doing. This facility, one of two that can…Continue Reading
NOAA Fisheries Press Release: Marine Mammals of Maine Opens New Short-term Seal Triage Facility
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 25, 2016 Contacts: Lynda Doughty, Marine Mammals of Maine, 207-233-3199 Jennifer Goebel, NOAA Fisheries, 978-281-9175 Harpswell, Maine – Marine Mammals of Maine is proud to announce…Continue Reading